本帖最后由 dengjun2 于 2023-4-15 15:32 编辑
拼音 普通话 粤语 粤语拼音 英语 词序
a- 阿爸 [阿爸] a'ba- dad 1
a- 阿妈 [阿妈] a'ma- mom 2
a- 阿波罗 [阿波罗] a'bo=luo* Apolo 3
a- 阿斗 [阿斗] a'dao/ infant name of Liu Shan 4
a- 阿飞 [飞仔]]HG fei-zai/ ypoung street rowdy 5
a- 阿富汗 [阿富汗] a.fu`hon` Afghanistan 6
a- 阿根廷 [阿根廷] a'gan-ting* Argentina 7
a- 阿拉伯 [阿拉伯] a'la-bAg` Arab;Arabia 8
a- 阿姨 [阿姨] a.yi- aunt 9
a- 啊,下雨了 [呀,落雨嘞] a`,log`yu>lag' Oh,it is raining. 10
ai- 挨个 [轮住] loen*ju` do sth. by turns 11
ai- 挨骂 [食猫面]HG xig`mAo-min` get a scolding 12
ai- 唉唷 [唉唷] ai-yo- Oh,dear! or Ow! 13
ai> 矮 [矮] ai/ short (of statue) 14
aa` 爱好 [爱好] oi.hou. hobby 15
ai` 爱好者 [爱好者] oi.hou.zE/ lover(of art,sport,. 16
ai` etc. 0
ai` 爱护公物 [爱护公物] oi.wu`gung-mad` take good care of 17
ai` public property 0
ai` 爱欺负人 [虾霸霸]HG ha-ha-ba.ba. be keen on bulling 18
ai` others 0
an- 安乐 [安乐] on-log` peaceful and happy 19
an- 安排 [安排] on-pAi* arrange;plan 20
an- 安排了 [安排咗] on-pAi*zo/ have aranged to do; 21
an- planned to do 0
an- 安全带 [安全带] on-qun*dAi/ safty belt;seat belt 22
an- 安慰 [安慰] on-wai. comfort;console 23
an` 按 [按] on. according to 24
an` 按 [照里程计钱] jiu.lei"qing*gai'qin/ pay the fare according 25
an` to the mileage 0
an` 按规定 [按规定] on.kwai-ding` according to the rule 26
an` 按摩师 [指压员]HG ji/Ad.yun* massage;massagist 27
an` 按时到 [依时到] yi-xi*dou arrive on time 28
an` 按时间 [按时间] on.xi*gAn. on time 29
an` 按揭 [按揭] on'kid' mortgage 30
an` 按捺不住 [谷爆]HG gug-bAo. cannot restrain 31
an` 暗 [黑] hag- dark 32
an` 案板 [案板] on.ban/ chopping desk 33
an` 案件 [畸士]HG kei-xi/ case 34
an` 案件 [k 事]HG kei-xi/ case 35
ang- 肮脏 [污糟] wu-zou- dirty 36
ao/ 熬过来 [捱过来] ngAi*gwo.lai* enfure (a hard life) 37
ao/ 熬夜 [捱更熬夜] ngAi*gAng.Ao/ye` stau up late at night 38
ao/ 熬夜 [捱更抵夜]HG Ai*gang-dai/ye` stay up late at night 39
ao` 奥运会 [奥运会] ou.wan`wui/ Olyimic Games 40
b BP 机 [BP 机] bi-bi-gei- wireless beeper 41
ba 酒吧 [酒吧] zao/ba- bar 42
ba 网吧 网吧] mong/ba- netbar 43
ba- 芭蕉 [大蕉] dAi`jiu- banana 44
ba- 八 [八] bAd. eight 45
ba- 八宝饭 [八宝饭] bad'bAo/fAn` eight-treasure rice 46
ba- puttin 0
ba- 八哥 [鹩哥] liu-go- crested myna 47
ba- 八毛 [八毫子] bAd.hou*ji/ eighty cent 48
ba- 巴黎 [巴黎] ba-lai* Paris 49
ba> 一把伞 [把遮[ yad-ba/zE- an umbrella 50
ba> 把风 [睇水]HG tai/soeu/ keep watch of 51
ba> 把握 [把握] ba/ngag- hold;grasp 52
ba> 把嘴张大 [擘大口] mAg.dAi`hao/ open one's moth widly 53
ba> 把嘴张开 [擘开口] mAg.hoi-hao/ open one's mouyh 54
ba` 爸爸 [爸爸] ba*ba- pa;;father 55
ba` 爸爸 [爹哋] HG dE-di` daddy 56
ba` 爸爸 [阿爸] a.ba- father 57
ba` 爸爸(指称)[老窦] lou"dao` one's father 58
bai/ 白饭 [靓仔] lEng.zai/ nice booy 59
bai/ 白费口舌 [嘥气] sai-hei. waste one' breath 60
bai/ 白费心机 [嘥心机] sa-sam-gei- waste one's energy 61
bai/ 白领工人 [白领] HG bAg`lEng" white colar worker 62
bai/ 白薯 [番薯] fAn-xu/ potao 63
bai/ 白糖 [白糖] bAg`tong* (refined) whute sugar 64
bai/ 白天 [日头] yad`tao/ day 65
bai/ 白头到老 [白头到老] bAg`tao*dou.lou/ remain happily married 66
bai/ to a ripe age 0
bai/ 白走 [白行] bAg`hAng* make a fruitless trip 67
bai> 百分之一 [巴仙] HG ba-xin- percent 68
bai> 摆摊 [开档]HG hoi-dong. make up a stall on ro 69
bai> side or in market 0
bai> 摆摊的老板[事头]HG xi`tao* boss of a stall 70
bai> 摆姿势 [甫士]HG pou-xi/ pozee 71
bai` 拜访 [拜访] bAi.fong/ visit 72
ban- 搬家公司 [办家公司] bun-ug-gung-xi- house=moving company 73
ban- 搬弄是非 [搞是搞非] gAo/xi`gAo/fei- sow discard;tell stori 74
ban- 扳手 [士巴拿] xi`ba-na/ spanner 75
ban- 扳手 [士班拿] xi`bAn-na/ spanner 76
ban> 板鸭 [腊鸭] lAb`Ab./ pressed or dried duck 77
ban` 伴郎 [伴郎] bun`long* groomsman;best man 78
ban` 伴娘 [伴娘] bun`noeng* bridesmate 79
ban` 半天 [半日] bun.yad` half the day 80
ban` 半途而废 [冇手尾] mou"sao/mei" give uphalfway;leave 81
ban` sth. unfinished 0
ban` 半小时 [半个钟头] bun.go.zung-tao* half an hour 82
ban` 办事 [办事] bAn`xi` handle affairs 83
ban` 办事不果断[姐手姐脚]HG zE/sao/zE/goeg. handle affairs irreso- 84 lutely
ban` 办不成事 [黄黄淤淤]HG wong*wong*yu/yu/ cannot handle affairs 85
ban` 办法1 [办法] bAn`fAd. way to do sth. 86
ban` 办法2 [符fid-]HG fu*fid- way to do sth. 87
ban` 没办法 [冇乜符fid-] mou"mad-fu*fid- have no way to do... 88
ban` 想办法 [谂计仔] nam/gai`zai/ find a way 89
ban` 办公楼 [写字楼] sE/ji`lao* office building 90
ban` 办理 [办理] bAn`lei" handle;conduct 91
ban` 事已办妥 [事情搞掂嘞] xiqing* gAo/dim`lAg' The matter has been 92
ban` settled.
bang- 帮 [帮] bong- help 93
bang- 帮帮忙 [帮帮忙] bong-bong-mong* help 94
bang- 帮帮忙 [帮下手] bong-ha`sao/ give a hand 95
bang- 帮了 [帮咗] bong-zo` have helped 96
bang- 帮一下忙 [帮一下手] bong-yad-ha`sao/ give a hand 97
bang` 蚌 [蚌] pong" freshwater mussel;clam 98
bang` 傍晚 [挨晚] Ai-mAn- towards evening 99
bang` 傍晚 [齐黑] cai*hag- towards evening 100
bao- 包 [包] bAo- wrap in paper 101
bao- 包一下 [包一包] bao-yad-ha` wrap 102
bao- 包裹 [包裹] bAo-gwo/ parcel 103
bao- 包装 [包装] bAo-zong- pargaging 104
bao- 包子 [包] bAo- ban stuffed with meat, 105
bao sugar,etc. inside 0
bao- 剥花生 [剥花生] mog. fa-sAng- shell peanut 106
bao/ 薄 [薄] bog` thin 107
bao> 饱 [饱] bAo/ be full 108
bao> 保护 [保护] bA0/`wu` protect 109
bao> 保险1 [保险] bou/him/ insurance 110
bao> 保险2 [燕梳] yin-so- insurance 111
bao> 保险柜 [夹万]HG gAb.mAn` strongbox;safe 112
bao> 宝宝 [BB] bi-bi- baby 113
bao> 宝贵 [宝贵] bou/gwai. dear 114
bao` 保姆 [保姆] bou/mou" housemaid 115
bao` 抱 [抱] pou" hold in arms 116
bao` 抱歉 [对唔住] doeu.m*ju` excuse me 117
bao` 抱怨 [抱歉] pou"hib. be sorry;regret 118
bao` 报案 [报寸]HG bou.qun. report a case 119
bao` 报答 [报答] bou.dab. repay 120
bao` 报道 [报道] bou.dou` report (news ) 121
bao` 报价 [报价] bou.ga. quote a price 122
bao` 报刊 [报刊] bou.hon/ newspapers and 123
bao` periodicals 0
bao` 报名 [报名] bou.mEng/ enter one's name 124
bao` 报社 [报社] bou.sE" newspaper office 125
bao` 报社 [报馆]HG bou.gun/ newspaper office 126
bao` 报纸 [报纸] bou.ji/ newspaper 127
bao` 豹子 [豹] pAo. leopard 128
bao` 爆竹 [炮仗] pAo.zoeng/ firecrackers 129
bao` 刨子 [刨] pao*/ plane 130
bei- 背(动词) [孭] mE- carry on shoulders 131
bei> 北 [北] bag- north 132
bei> 北边 [北便] bag-bin` north 133
bei> 北方 [北方] bag-fong- north 134
bei> 北方人 [北方人] bag-fong-yan* northerner 135
bei` 背包 [背包] bui.bAo- knapsack;rucksack 136
bei` 背靠背 [背靠背] bui.kAo.bui. back to back 137
bei` 背熟 [背到熟晒] bui.dou.sug`sAi. recite by heart 138
bei` 背井离乡 [背井离乡] bui.zEng/lei*hoeng- leave one's native 139
bei` place 0
bei` 被开水烫了[畀滚水渌亲} bei.gwan/soeu/lug`can- be scaled by boiled 140
bei` water 0
bei` 被2 [畀...录取嘞] bei/...lug`coeu/lAg. be enrolled by... 141
bei` 被面 [被面] pei"min/ the cover of a quilt 142
bei` 被子 [被] pei" quilt 143
ben> 本 [本] bun/ copy 144
ben> 一本书 [一本书] yad-bun/xu- a book 145
ben> 本行 [本行] bun/hong* one's old profession 146
ben> 本来 [本来] bun/loi* original 147
ben> 本月 [本月] bun/yud` this month 148
ben> 本子 [簿] bou`/ notebook 149
beng/ 甭客气 [唔使客气] m*sai/hAg.hei. make yourself at home 150
beng` 泵 [泵] bam- pump 151
bi/ 鼻涕 [鼻涕] bei`tai./ nasal mucus;snivel 152
bi/ 鼻子 [鼻哥] bei`go- nose 153
bi/ 鼻子不通 [鼻塞] bei`sag- have a stnuffy nose 154
bi/ 荸荠 [马蹄] ma"tai/ water chestnut 155
bi/ 荸荠糕 [马蹄糕] ma"tai*gou- water-chestnut cake 156
bi> 比你高 [高过你] gao- gwo' nei" taller than you are 157
bi> 比他小 [细过佢] sai.gwo koeu. younger than he is 158
bi> 比你快 [快过你] fAi-.gwo." faster than you 159
bi> 比..好些 [好过...一啲] hou.gwo...yad-di- a little better than... 160
bi> 比赛 [比赛] bei/coi. match;contest 161
bi> 一笔钱 [一笔钱] yi-bi>aqian/ a sum of money 162
bi> 两笔生意 [两单生意] loeng/dan- sang-yi' two deals 163
bi` 毕业 [毕业] bad-yib` graduate;finish school 164
bi` 大学毕业生[大学毕业生] dAi`hog`bad-yib`sang- a student graduated 165
bi` from a university 0
bi` 毕业文凭 [沙纸] HG sa-ji/ diploma;graduation 166
bi` certificate 0
bi` 必须 [必须] bid.soeu- must 167
bi` 必要 [必要] bid.yiu. necessary 168
bi` 壁虎 [檐蛇] xim*sE* house gecko 169
bian- 鞭炮 [炮仗] pAo.zoeng/ firecrackers 170
bian- 放鞭炮 [烧炮仗] xiu-pao'zoeng/ set off firecrackers 171
bian- 编码 [编码] pin-ma" code 172
bian> 扁担 [担挑] dAm.tiu- shoulder pole 173
bian` 变成 [变成] bin.xing* become 174
bian` 变化 [变化] bin.fa. change 175
bian` 三遍 [三次] sAm-qi. three times 176
biao- 标致 [标致] biu-ji. beautiful;handsome 177
biao- 标准 [标准] biu-zoen/ standard 178
biao> 手表 [手表] sao/biu- wristwatch 179
biao> 表达 [表达] biu/dAd` express 180
biao> 表弟 [表弟] biu/dai` younger male cousin 181
biao> 表姐 [表姐] biu/zE/ elder female cousin 182
biao> 表决 [表决] biu/kyud. vote; decide by voting 183
biao> 表妹 [表妹] biu/mui" younger female cousin 184
biao> 表示 [表示] biu/xi` show;express 185
biao> 表演 [秀] HG xiu` show 186
bie/ 别 [咪] mai" don't 187
bie/ 别哭了 [咪喊嘞] mai"hAm.lag` don't cry 188
bie/ 别 [唔好] m*hou/ do not 189
bie/ 别吵 [唔好嘈] m*hou/cou. Doin't quarrel . 190
bie/ 别吵吵闹闹[咪嘈生晒] mai"cou.sang-sAi-. Don't quarrel to make 191
bie/ a loud noise. 0
bie/ 别处 [第度] dAi`dou` elsewhere 192
bie/ 别的 [第样] dAi`yoeng`/ other 193
bie/ 别的 [第啲] dAi`di- other 194
bie/ 别的 [第二样] dai`yi`yoeng`/ another 195
bie/ 别害怕 [咪惊] mai"gEng- Don't be scared 196
bie/ 别灰心 [咪灰心] mai"fui-sam- Don't lose heart. 197
bie/ 别紧张 [咪紧张] mai"gan/zoeng- Don't be nervouse. 198
bie/ 别客气 [唔使客气] m*sai/hAg.hei. Don't speak deferen- 199
bie tially. 0
bie/ 别那样说 [咪咁讲] mai"gam/gong/ Don't say so. 200
bie/ 别闹 [咪嘈住] mai"cou*ju` Don't make noise. 201
bie/ 别惹我生气[咪嚟激我] mai"lai*gig-ngo" Don't provake me. 202
bie/ 别人 [人哋] yan*dei` other people;others 203
bie/ 别这样 [咪咁啦] mai"gam/la- Don't do so. 204
bing- 冰雹 [雪珠] xud.ju- hail;hailstone 205
bing- 冰雹 [雹] bog` hail 206
bing- 冰冰冷 [冻冰冰] dung.bing-bing- very cold 207
bing- 冰袋 [冰袋] bing-doi`/ ice pack 208
bing- 冰冻咖啡 [啡食雪]HG fei-xig`xud. frozen coffee 209
bing- 冰棍儿 [雪条] xud.tiu/ ice-lolly;ice-sucker 210
bing- 冰箱 [雪柜] xud.gwai` refrigerater;freezer 211
bing- 冰鞋 [雪屐] xud.kEg` skating boots;skates 212
bing- 冰镇 [雪藏] xud.cong* iced 213
bing- 冰镇汽水 [雪藏汽水] xud.cong*hei.soeu/ iced soda water 214
bing- 冰淇淋 [雪糕] xud.gou- ice cream 215
bing` 病 [病] bEng` disease 216
bing` 病房 [病房] bEng`fong*/ ward (of a hispital) 217
bing` 内科病房 [内科病房] noi``fo-bEng`fong/ sickroom 218
bing` 外科病房 [外科病房] ngoi`fo-bEng`fong/ surgical ward 219
bing` 病历卡 [病历卡] bEng`lig`ka- medical records card 220
bing` 病了 [病曌] bEng`zo/ fall ill 221
bo- 玻璃 [玻璃] bo-lei- glass 222
bo- 菠菜 [菠菜] bo-coi. spinach 223
bo- 菠萝 [菠萝] bo-lo* pineapple 224
bo- 拨 [拨] bud. dial 225
bo- 拨号 [拨号] bud.hou` dial a number 226
bo/ 薄脆饼 [薄脆饼] bog`coeu.bEng/ wafer 227
bo/ 博物馆 [博物馆] bog.mad`gun/ museum 228
bo/ 伯伯 [阿伯] a.bAg. elder uncle 229
bo/ 伯父 [阿伯] a.bAg. father's elder brother; 230
bo/ uncle 0
bo/ 伯母 [伯娘] bAg.noeng* wife of father's 231
bbo/ elder brother;aunt 0
bo/ 脖子 [颈] gEng/ neck 232
bo> 跛子 [跛脚佬] bai-goeg.lou"/ lame person; cripple 233
bo> 跛子 [跛仔] bai-zai/ lame person; cripple 234
bu/ 不要 [唔要] m*yiu. don't 235
bu` 吃不完 [食唔晒] xig`m*sAi-. cannot eat up 236
bu` 不 [唔] m* not 237
bu` 不安 [不安] bad-on- 1.unpeaceful;2.uneasy 238
bu` 不必 [唔使] m*sai/ no need 239
bu` 不测 [不测] bad-cAg. accident;mishap 240
bu` 不迟到 [唔迟到] m*qi*dou. not be late 241
bu` 不错 [啱] ngAm- right 242
bu` 不错 [唔错] m*co. OK 243
bu` 不答应 [唔应] m*ying. do not reply 244
bu` 不大习惯 [唔系几习惯 m*hai`gei/zAb`gwAn. not so accustomed to 245
bu` 不对的 [唔啱嘅] m*ngAm-gE. not right 246
bu` 不干净 [邋臜] la.za.qin/ dirty 247
bu` 不敢 [唔敢] m*gam/ dare not 248
bu` 不敢当 [唔敢当] m*gam/dong- I really don't de- 249
bu` serve it. 0
bu` 不公平 [唔公平] m*gung-ping* unfair 250
bu` 不公正 [唔公正] m*gung-jing. unfair 251
bu` 不够咸 [唔够咸] m*gao.hAm* too tasteless 252
bu` 不关窗不行[唔闩窗唔得] m*sAn-coeng-m*dag- must close the window 253
bu` 不管谁来 [唔管边个嚟] m*gun/bin-go.lai* no matter who comes 254
bu` 不贵1 [唔贵] m*gwai. cheap 255
bu` 不贵2 [好qib.] hou/qib. cheap 256
bu` 不过 [不过] bad-gwo. but 257
bu` 不好的少年[飞仔] fei-zai/ young street rowdy 258
bu` 不好意思 [唔好意思] m*hou/yi.xi- feel embarrassed 259
bu` 不合身 [唔啱着] m*ngAm-zoeg. (of clothing) do not 260
bu` fit well 0
bu` 不合适 [唔合适] m*hab`xig- not suitable 261
bu` 不合适 [唔啱] m*ngAm- not suitable 262
bu` 不合我意 [唔啱我心水 m*ngAm-ngo"sam-soeu/ not to my liking 263
bu` 不很好 [唔系几好] m*hai`gei/hou/ not so good 264
bu` 不很久 [冇几耐] mou"gei/noi/ not very long 265
bu` 不很够 [唔系几够] m*hai`gei/gao. not so enough 266
bu` 不很熟 [冇几熟] mou"gei/sug` not very familiar 267
bu` 不会错 [唔会错] m*wui"co. cannot be wrong 268
bu` 不结实的 [化学嘅] fa'hog`ge. of bad quality 269
bu` 不仅 [唔单只] m*dAn-ji/ not only 270
bu` 不可能 [唔可能] m*ho/nang* impossible 271
bu` 不可以 [唔可以] m*ho/yi" cannot;should not; 272
bu` must not 0
bu` 不客气 [唔客气] m*hAg.hei. 1.impolite;2.not at 273
bu` all;don't mention it; 0
bu1 you are welcome 0
bu` 不忙 [唔忙] m*mong* there is no hurry; 274
bu` take your time 0
bu` 不能 [唔能] m*nang* cannot 275
bu` 不奇怪 [唔出奇] m*coed-kei* not surprising 276
bu` 不如 [不如] bad-yu* not equal to ;not 277
bu` as good as 0
bu` 不是 [咪] m*mai`=m*hai` be not 278
bu` 不是 [唔系] m*hai` be not 279
bu` 不是的 [唔系嘅] m*hai`gE. No. 280
bu` 不舒服 [唔自在] m*ji`zoi` not comfortable 281
bu` 不舒服 [唔舒服] m*xu-fug` not comfortable 282
bu` 不顺眼 [督眼督鼻] dug-ngAn"dug-bei` unpleasant to the eye 283
bu` 不太忙 [唔系几忙] m*hai`gei/mong* not very busy 284
bu` 不同 [唔同] m*tung* not alike;different 285
bu` 不同意 [唔同意] m*tung*yi. do not agree to 286
bu` 不妥 [唔妥] m*to" not proper 287
bu` 吃不完2 [食唔得晒] xig`m*dag-sAi-. cannot eat all 288
bu` 不习惯 [唔惯] m*gwAn. not accustomed to 289
bu` 不喜欢 [唔中意] m*zung-yi. do not like 290
bu` 不想 [唔想] m*soeng/ do not want 291
bu` 不想干 [唔想做] m*soeng/zou` do not want to do 292
bu` 不像话 [唔似样] m*ci'yoeng/ not resonable 293
bu` 不小心 [唔小心] m*xiu/sam- not carefully 294
bu` 不小心 [唔在意] m*zoi`yi. not carefully 295
bu` 不行 [唔得] m*dag- not be allowed;will 296
bu` not do 0
bu` 不要 [咪] mai" don't 297
bu` 不要 [唔好] m*hou/ don't 298
bu` 不要 [唔爱] m*ngoi. don't like 299
bu` 不要见怪 [唔好见怪] m*hou/gin.gwAi-. donn't acuse me 300
bu` 不要见笑 [唔好见笑] m*hou/gin.xiu. dong/t laugh at me. 301
bu` 不要紧 [唔紧要] m*gan/yiu. It's not serious ; 302
bu` It doesn't matter 0
bu` 不一样 [唔一样] m*yad-yoeng` not the same 303
bu` 不翼而飞 [不翼而飞] bad-yig`yi*fei- disapered withou trace 304
bu` vanish into thin air 0
bu` 不用 [唔使] m*sai/ need not 305
bu` 不用愁 [唔使忧] m*sai/yao- need not be so nervous 306
bu` 不用慌 [唔使惊] m*sai/gEng 307
bu` 不用客气 [唔使客气] m*sai/hag`hei. Make yourself at home. 308
bu` 不用上学 [唔使返学] m*sai/fAn-hog` need not go to school 309
bu` 不用谢 [唔使唔该] m*sai/m*goi- need not thank me 310
bu` 不赞成 [唔赞成] m*zAn.xing* do not agree 311
bu` 不怎么样 [麻麻] ma*ma/ just so- so 312
bu` 不知不觉 [唔经唔觉] m*ging-m*gog. unconsciously 313
bu` 不知道 [唔知] m*ji- do not know 314
bu` 不准 [唔准] m*zoen/ do not permit 315
bu` 不足挂齿1 [不足挂齿] bad-zug-gwa.qi/ not worth mentioning 316
bu` 不足挂齿2 [唔使介意] m*sai/gAi-.yi. nothing to be speak 317
bu` 布 [布] bou. cloth 318
bu` 布店 [布铺] bou.pou./ cloth shop 319
bu` 布料 [布料] bou.liu/ cloth 320
bu` 步步高升 [步步高升] bou`bou`gou-xing- get promoted step by 321
bu` step
ca- 擦 [擦] cAd. rub 322
ca- 擦黑板 [擦黑板] cAd.hag-bAn/ clean the blackboard 323
ca- 擦鞋子 [擦鞋] cAd.hAi* shine the shoes 324
cai- 猜测 [猜测] cAi--cAg. guess 325
cai/ 他现在才走[佢而家先走] koeu"yi*ga-xin-zao/ He has left until now. 326
cai/ 才能 [才能] coi*nang* talent;ability 327
cai/ 才学 [才学] coi*hog` talent and learning 328
cai/ 财产 [财产] coi*cAn/ property 329
cai/ 财富 [财富] coi*fu. weath 330
cai> 踩 [踩] cAi-/ step on 331
cai> 踩水 [踩水] cAi/soeu/ tread water 332
cai> 睬 [睬] coi/ take notice of 333
cai> 不要睬他 [唔好睬佢] m*hou/coeu/koeu Take no notice of him 334
cai> 彩色 [彩色] coi/xig- colloured 335
cai> 彩电 [彩电] coi/din` coloured TV 336
cai- 猜 [估] gu/ guess 337
cai- 猜一猜 [估下] gu/ha" guess 338
cai` 菜(菜肴) [餸] sung. dish 339
cai` 菜场 [菜场] coi.coeng* food market. 340
cai` 菜单 [菜单] coi.dAn- menu 341
cai` 菜刀 [菜刀] coi.dou- kitchen knife 342
cai` 菜谱 [菜谱] coi.pou/ menu 343
can- 餐厅 [餐厅] cAn-tEng- dining room 344
can- 餐桌 [餐台] cAn-toi/ dining table 345
can- 参加 [参加] cAm-ga- take oart in 346
can- 参考 [参考] cAm-hAo/ referece 347
can/ 蚕 [蚕] cAm* silkworm 348
cang- 苍蝇 [乌蝇] wu-ying- fly 349
cang/ 藏 [藏] cong* hide 350
cao- 操纵杆 [操纵杆] cou-zung.gon- control rod 351
cao- 操纵台 [操纵台] cou-zung.toi* control panel 352
cao> 草地 [草地] cou/dei` meadow;grassland 353
cao> 草帽 [草帽] cou/mou` staw hat 354
cao> 草莓 [士多啤梨] xi`do-bE-lei/ strawbery 355
cao> 草鱼 [白鲩] bAg`wAn/ grass carp 356
ce` 厕所 [厕所] qi.so/ lavatory;WC 357
cha- 插秧 [插田] cAb.tin* trasplant rice shoots 358
cha- 插嘴 [插口] cAb.hao/ interupt;chip in 359
cha- 叉烧包 [叉烧包] ca-xiu-bAo- steamed bun 360
cha- stuffed with diced 0
cha- grilled pork 0
cha- 叉子 [叉] ca- fork 361
cha- 差 [孬] yai" bad 362
cha- 差错 [差错] ca-co. errer 363
cha- 差劲 [水斗] seu/dao/ not up to standard 364
cha/ 茶 [茶] ca* tea 365
cha/ 茶几 [茶几] ca*gei- tea table ;side table 366
cha/ 茶馆 [茶馆] ca*gun/ teahouse 367
cha/ 茶话会 [茶话会] ca*wa`wui/ tea party at which 368
cha/ the participants chat 0
cha/ or give talks 0
cha/ 茶楼 [茶楼] ca*lao*/ teahouse 369
cha/ 茶叶 [茶叶] ca*yib` tea;tea leaves 370
cha/ 茶油 [茶油] ca*yao* tea oil 371
cha/ 查号台 [查号台] ca*hou`toi* information desk 372
cha/ 搽粉 [搽粉] ca*fan/ powder one's face,etc. 373
cha/ 搽药 [搽药] ca*yoeg` apply oilment 374
cha` 差不多 [差唔多] ca-m*do- almost 375
cha` 差点儿 [差啲] ca-di- not quite enough 376
chan/ 蝉 [蝉] xim* cicada 377
chan/ 缠住 [缠住] qin*ju` tangle 378
chan> 产量 [产量] cAn/loeng` output 379
chan> 产品 [产品] cAn/ban/ product 380
chang/ 尝 [试] xi. taste 381
chang/ 尝尝 [试下] xi.ha" try the flavour of 382
chang/ 常常 [时时] xi*xi* often;frequently 383
chang/ 常常来 [多啲嚟] do-di-lai* come more often 384
chang/ 常见病 [常见病] soeng*gin.bEng` a common disease 385
chang/ 常见的事 [常见的事] soeng*gin.gE.xi` common thing 386
chang/ 常来信 [多啲写信嚟] do-di-sE/soen.lai* often send letters 387
chang/ 常例 [例牌-]HG lai`pAi-/ common practice 388
chang/ 长 [长] coeng* long 389
chang/ 长点儿 [长翻啲] coeng*fAn-di- longer 390
chang/ 长途电话 [长途电话] coeng*tou*din`wa`/ trunk call'long-dus- 391
chang/ tance call 0
chang/ 肠胃炎 [肠胃炎] coeng*wai`yim* enterogastritis 392
chang/ 肠炎 [肠炎] coeng*/yim* enterits 393
chang> 厂 [厂] cong/ factory 394
chang` 畅销 [好卖] hou/mAi-` sell well 395
chang` 畅销 [畅销] coeng.xiu- sell well 396
chang` 唱 [唱] coeng. sing 397
chang` 唱盘 [唱盘] coeng.pun* phonograph recort 398
chang` 唱片 [大碟] HG dAi-`dib` phonograph record 399
chao- 超车 [爬头]HG pa*tao* overtake 400
chao- 超短裙 [迷你裙] mai*nei"kwan* miniskirt 401
chao- 超级市场 [超级市场] qiu-kab-xi"coeng* supermarket 402
chao- 超前 [超前] qiu-qin* exceed;outdo 403
chao- 超越常规 [好过态-] hou/gwo.tAi-. overstep normal rull 404
chao- 超重 [超重] qiu-cung" overload 405
chao- 抄不完 [抄唔得晒] cao-m*dag-sAi-. cannoy copy all 406
chao- 钞票 [银纸] ngan*ji/ banknote 407
chao/ 朝代 [朝代] qiu*doi` dynasty 408
chao/ 潮流 [潮流] qiu*lao* 1.tide;2.trebd 409
chao/ 潮湿1 [湿] sab- damp;moist 410
chao/ 潮湿2 [潮湿] qiu*sab- damp;moist 411
chao/ 潮湿3 [丝湿] xi-sab- damp;moist 412
chao/ 潮州人 [潮州人] qiu*zao-yan* people from Chozhou 413
chao> 吵吵闹闹 [嘈声巴闭] cou.xing-ba-bei. wrangle;kich up a row 414
chao> 吵架 [嗌交] ngAi-.gAo- quarrel vehemently 415
chao> 吵架 [嘈交] cou*gAo- quarrel vehemently 416
chao> 吵架 [闹交] nAo`gAo- quarrel vehemently 417
chao> 炒地皮 [撹快钱] HG wan/fAi-.qin/ speculate illegally 418
chao> in real estate 0
chao> 炒鸡蛋 [炒鸡蛋] cAo/gaiAan/ schrambled eggs 419
chao> 炒股票 [撹快钱] HG wan/fAi-.qin/ stag stocks 420
chao> 炒黄瓜 [炒黄瓜] cAo/wong*gwa- sauteet cucumber 421
chao> 炒花生 [炒花生] cAo/fa-sang- roasted peanuts 422
chao> 炒面 [炒面] cAo/min` fried noodles with 423
chao> shredded meat and vege- 0
chao> tables;chow mein 0
che- 车 [车] cE- car 424
che- 车道 [车道] cE-dou` trafic lane 425
che- 车后架 [车尾架] cE-mei"ga. rear frame of a 426
che- vehicle 0
che- 车轮 [车轮] cE-loen* wheel (of a vehicle) 427
che- 车棚 [车棚] cE-pAng* bicyckle shed 428
che- 车票 [车票] cEpiu. train or bus ticket 429
che- 车胎 [呔] tAi-- tyre 430
che- 车箱 [车卡] cE-ka- railway carriage 431
che- 车站 [车站] cE-zAm` railway station ; 432
che- bus-stop 0
chen/ 陈伯伯 [陈伯] can*bAg. Uncle Chen 433
chen/ 陈先生 [陈生] can*sang- Mr. Chen 434
chen` 衬衣 [恤衫] soed-sAm- shirt 435
chen` 恤衫 [恤衫] soed-sAm- shirt 436
cheng- 撑船 [撑船] cAng-xun* pole a boat;punt 437
cheng- 称 [称] qing- weigh 438
cheng- 称呼 [称呼] qing-fu- call;address 439
cheng- 称为 [称为] qing-wai* be called... 440
cheng/ 城里 [城内] sEng*noi` in the city 441
cheng/ 橙汁 [橙汁] cAng*/zab- orange juice 442
cheng/ 成功 [成功] xing*gung- suuccess 443
cheng/ 成年妇女 [婆乸] po*na/ woman 444
cheng/ 乘(车,船) [搭] dAb. take (a car.boat,etc. 445
cheng/ 乘车 [搭车] dAb.cE- ytake a car 446
cheng/ 乘船 [搭船] dAb.xun* take a boat 447
cheng/ 乘客 [乘客] xing*hAg. passager 448
cheng/ 乘务员 [车掌]HG cE-zoeng/ attendant ont a train 449
cheng/ 程序 [程序] qing*zeu` 1.order;procedure; 450
cheng/ 2.programme 0
cheng/ 诚挚 [诚挚] xing*ji. sincere 451
cheng/ 承担责任 [孭镬] HG mE-wog` beaar resposibility 452
cheng/ 承蒙指点 [承蒙指点] xing*mung*ji/dim/ Thank you for your 453
cheng/ advice. 0
cheng` 秤 [秤] qing. steelyard 454
chi- 吃 [吃] yAg. eat 455
chi- 吃 [食] xig` eat 456
chi- 吃包子 [食包] xig` bAo- eat bun 457
chi- 吃闭门羹 [摸门钉] mo/mun*dEng- be deny entry 458
chi- 吃得上 [食得到] xig`dag-dao/ be available in market 459
chi- 吃不完 [食唔晒] xig`m*sAi-. be unable to eat all 460
chi- 吃不下去 [唔食得落] m*xig`dag-log` be unable to eat any 461
chi- more 0
chi- 吃不消 [顶顺] ding/m*soen` be unable to stand 462
chi- 吃得太多 [食得多过头 xig`dag-do-gwo.tao* eat too much 463
chi- 吃得消 [顶得顺 ding/dag-soen` be able to bear)or 464
chi- endure, stand) 0
chi- 吃点儿 [食啲] xig`di- eat a little 465
chi- 吃顿便饭 [食餐便饭] xig`cAn-bin`fAn` have a simple meal 466
chi- (or potluck) 0
chi- 吃饭 [食饭] xig`fAn` eat a meal;live on a 467
chi- living 0
chi- 吃官司 [坐花厅]HG co"fa-tEng- be brought to court 468
chi- 吃火锅 [打边炉] da/bin-lo* enjoy chafing dish 469
chi- 吃了没有 [食咗未] xig`zo/mei` Have you had a meal 470
chi- 吃了药 [食咗药] xig`zo/yoeg` have taken medicine 471
chi- 吃啥有啥 [食乜有乜] xig`mad-yao"mad- have all kinds of 472
chi- tfood to enjoy 0
chi- 吃梨 [食梨] xig`tong/ eat a pear 473
chi- 吃完 [食晒] xig`sAi-. eat up 474
chi- 吃完饭 [食完饭] xig`yun*fAn` have had a meal 475
chi- 吃午饭 [食晏]HG xig`An. have lunch 476
chi- 吃药 [食药] xig`yoeg` take mediicine 477
chi- 吃早餐 [食早餐] xig`zou.can- have breakfast 478
chi/ 池塘 [塘] tong* pond 479
chi/ 池塘水 [塘水] tong*seu/ water from a pool 480
chi/ 迟到 [迟到] qi*dou. be late 481
chi/ 迟疑 [迟疑] qi*yi* hesitate 482
chi> 尺子 [尺] cEg. ruler 483
chi` 翅膀 [翼] yig` wing 484
chong- 充沛 [充沛] cung-pui. plentiful;abandant 485
chong/ 虫 [虫] cung* worm 486
chong/ 虫害 [虫害] cung*hoi` insect pest 487
chong/ 重新 [重新] cong*san- again;anew;afresh 488
chong/ 重阳 [重阳] cung*yoeng* Double Ninth Festival 489
chong/ 重阳节 [九月九] gao/yud`gao/ Double Ninth Festival 490
chong/ 重阳节 [重阳] cung*yoeng* Double Ninth Festival 491
chong` 冲锋 [冲锋] cung-fung- charge 492
chou- 抽不抽烟? [食唔食烟啊?] xig`m*xig`yin-a. Do you smoke? 493
chou- 抽签 [执筹] zab-cao*/ draw lots 494
chou- 抽屉 [柜桶] gwai`tung/ drawer 495
chou- 抽血 [抽血] cao-hyud. draw blood 496
chou- 抽烟 [食烟] xig`yin- smoke;smoking 497
chou- 抽支烟 [食支烟] xig`ji-yin- smoke a cigarrett 498
chou/ 粥很稠 [啲粥好杰}] di-zug-hou/gid` The poridge is very 499
chou/ 愁 [忧] yao- worry;sad 500
chou/ 愁 [愁] sao* worry;sad 501
chou/ 绸 [绸] cao*/ silk fabric;silk 502
chou/ 绸衬衣 [绸恤衫] cao*/soed-sAm- silk shirt 503
chou> 丑 [丑怪] cao/gwAi-. very ugly 504
chou` 臭 [臭] cao. stinky;smelly 505
chou` 臭虫 [木虱] mug`sad- bedbug 506
chu- 初次 [初次] co-qi. first time 507
chu- 初中 [初中] co-zung- minor middle school 508
chu- 出来 [出嚟] coed-lai* come out 509
chu- 出去 [出去] coeu hoeu. go out 510
chu- 出差 [出差] coed-cai- go by errand 511
chu- 出发 [出发] coed-fAd. start off 512
chu- 出汗 [出汗] coed-hon` perspirate 513
chu- 出口 [出口] coed-hao/ export 514
chu- 出口商品 [出口商品] coed-hao/soeng-ban/ export goods 515
chu- 出类拔萃 [标青]HG biu-cEng- Be of but above the 516
chu- same kind 0
chu- 出力 [出力] coed-lig` exert oneself 517
chu- 出门 [出门] coed-mun* go out 518
chu- 出门 [出街] coed-gAi-- have just gone out 519
chu- 出门去了 [出曌门] coed-zo/mun* went out 520
chu- 出去 [出去] coed-heu. go out 521
chu- 出去了 [出咗去] coed-zo/heu. have gone out 522
chu- 出色 [标青] biu-qing- excellent;top-notch; 523
chu- extremely good 0
chu- 出生 [出世] coed-sai. be born 524
chu- 出生证 [出世纸] HG coed-sai.ji/ birth certificate 525
chu- 出息 [出息] coed-xig- prospect 526
chu- 出血 [出血] coed-hyud. give out money 527
chu- 出院 [出院] coed-yun`/ leave hospital;be 528
chu- discharged from 0
chu- hospital 0
chu- 出租汽车 [的士] dig-xi/ taxi 529
chu- 出租汽车 [出租汽车] coed-zou-hei.cE- taxi 530
chu/ 厨房 [厨房] coeu*fong*/ kitchen 531
chu/ 厨房 [下间] ha`gAn- kitchen 532
chu/ 锄头 [锄头] co*tao*/ hoe 533
chu/ 除夕 [除夕] coeu*jig` New Year's Eve 534
chu/ 除夕 [年卅晚] nin*sa-a`mAn" New Year's Eve 535
chu> 储蓄 [储蓄] qu.cug- deposit 536
chu> 处方 [处方] qu/fong- priscription 537
chu` 教务处 [教务处] gAo.mou`qu. teachong section 538
chu` 处长 [处长] qu.zoeng/ head of section 539
chu` 处处1 [度度] dou`dou` everywhere 540
chu` 处处2 [处处] qu.qu. everywhere 541
chu` 处处3 [处处] xu.xu everywhere 542
chuan- 穿 [着] zoeg. put on,wear 543
chuan- 着 [着] zoeg` put on;wear 544
chuan/ 传单 [传单] qun*dan- leaflet 545
chuan/ 传票 [花令纸] fa-ling/ji/ summon;subpoena 546
chuan/ 传染病 [传染病] qun*yim"beng` infectious disease 547
chuan/ 传输 [传输] qun*xu- transmission 548
chuan/ 传说 [传说] qun*xud. it is ad that...;pass 549
chuan/ from mouth to mouth 0
chuan/ 传真 [传真] qun*zan- fax;fascimile 550
chuan/ 船 [船] xun* ship;boat 551
chuan/ 船舱 [船舱] xun*cong- 1.ship's hold;2cabin 552
chuan/ 船队 [船队] xun*doeu` fleet;flotilla 553
chuan/ 船票 [船票] xun*piu. boat ticket 554
chuan` 串联 [串联] qun.lyu* 1.establish ties; 555
chuan` 2.series connection 0
chuang-窗户 [窗] coeng- window 556
chuang-窗子 [窗门] coeng-mun*/ window 557
chuang/床 [床] cong* bed 558
chuang/床位 [床位] cong*wai`/ parking place 559
chuang>闯世界 [捞世界] lou-sai.gAi-. make a iving 560
chuang`创造 [创造] cong.zou` create 561
chui- 吹 [吹] coeu- blow 562
chui- 吹风机 [吹风机] coeu-fung-gei- blower 563
chui- 吹拉弹唱 [吹拉弹唱] coeu-lAi-tAn*coeng. blo,pull,pluck and 564
chui- sing 0
chui- 吹牛 [车大炮] cE-dAi-`pAo. talk big;brag 565
chui/ 锤子 [锤] ceu*/ moloto 566
chun- 春节 [春节] coen-jid. Spring Festival 567
chun- 春节 [过年] gwo.nin* celebrate the New Year 568
chun- 春卷 [春卷] coen-gyun/ spring roll 569
chun- 春联 [春联] coen-lyun* Spring Festival cou- 570
chun- ples 0
chun- 春笋 [春笋] coen-soen/ bamboo shoots,dup up 571
coen- in sprin for food 0
chun- 春天 [春天] coen-tin- spring 572
chuo` 戳穿 [笃爆] HG dug-bAo. expose 573
ci/ 磁带 [磁带] qi*dAi/ magneic tape 574
ci/ 磁器 [磁器] qi*hei. chinaware;porcelain 575
ci/ 瓷碗 [瓷碗] qi*wun/ china bowl 576
ci/ 词语 [词语] qi*yu" word and phrase 577
ci` 刺激 [刺激] qi.gig- stimulation 578
ci` 第一次 [第一次] dai`yad- qi. for the firstb time 579
ci` 第二次 [第二轮] dai`yi`loen* second time 580
ci` 次序 [次序] qi.zoeu` order 581
cong- 聪明1 [聪明] cung-ming* clever;intelligent 582
cong- 聪明2 [精] zEng- clever;intelligent 583
cong- 聪明3 [叻] lEg- clever;intelligent 584
cong- 葱 [葱] cung- onion/scallion 585
cong- 匆匆忙忙 [频频伦伦] pan*pan*lan*lan* hurriedly;in a hurry 586
cong/ 从 [从命] cung*ming` folow orders 587
cong/ 从 [由] yao* from 588
cong/ 从 [从来] cung*loi* from the past till 589
cong/ the present;always 0
cong/ 从哪儿来 [由边度嚟] yao*bin-dou`lai* Where do you come from 590
cong/ 从前 [旧时] gao`xi*/ before;formerly; 591
cong/ in the past 0
cong/ 从前 [旧阵时] gao`zan`xi* before;formerly; 592
cung/ in the past 0
cong/ 从去年起 [由旧年起] yao*gao`nin/hei/ from the last year 593
cong/ 从头 [从头] cung*tao* from the beginning 594
cong/ 从小 [自细] ji`sai. from childhood 595
cong/ 从小 [从细] cung*sai. from childhood 596
cong/ 丛林 [丛林] deu*lam* jungle 597
cong/ 丛书 [丛书] cicung*xu- a series of books 598
cou` 凑份子 [科款]HG fo-fun/ pool money 599
cou` 凑份子 [科钱]HG fo-qin/ pool money 600
cou` 凑合 [麻麻地] ma*ma/dei/ so-so;not so bad 601
cou` 凑合 [求其] kao*kei* so-so;not so bad 602
cu- 粗鲁 [粗鲁] cou-lou" rude 603
cu- 粗心大意 [大心肝] HG dAi-`sam-gon- careless 604
cu` 醋 [醋] cou. vinegar 605
cui` 脆 [脆] coeu. fragile;brittle ; 606
cui` vulnerable 0
cui` 寸 [寸] qun. cun.a unit of length 607
cun` 英寸 ]英寸] ying-qun. inch 608
cun` 寸步难行 [寸步难行] qun.bou`nan*hang* be unable to move 609
cuo- 搓 [搓] co- rub with the hands 610
cuo- 搓板 [搓板] cuo-bAn> washboard 611
cuo- 搓麻将 [刮竹]HG gwAd.zug- play mahjiong 612
cuo` 错了 [错咗] co.zo/ be wrong 613
cuo` 错误理解 [摆乌龙] HG bAi/wu-lung/ misunderstand 614
cuo` 锉刀 [锉] co. file;rasp 615
da/ 答复 [答复] dAb.fug- reply 616
da/ 答应 [应承] ying.xing* 1.answer;2. agree 617
da/ 打电话 [打电话 da/din`wa/ phone 618
da> 打 [打] da/ beat 619
da> 打(12个) [打] da-[打] dozen 620
da> 打的 [打的] da/dig- take a taxi 621
da: 打火机 [打火机] da/fo/gei- lighter 622
da> 打个赌 [打个赌] da/ge.du> take a bet 623
da> 打个盹 [瞌一瞌] hab-yad-hab- take a catnap 624
da> 打工 [打工] da/gong- do manual work 625
da> 打工仔 [打工仔] da/gung-zai/ workman 626
da> 打呵欠 [打喊冒] da/hAm.mou` yawn 627
da> 打击 [打击] da/gig- 1.hit;strike;2.attack 628
da> 打架 [打交] da/gAo- fight 629
da> 打搅 [滚搅] gwan/gAo/ bother 630
da> 打开 [打开] da/hoi- open 631
da> 打磕睡 [合眼测] hab-ngAn"fan. take a catnap 632
da> 打雷 [打雷] da/loeu* thunder 633
da> 打雷 [行雷] hAng*loeu* thunder 634
da> 打冷战 [打冷颤] da/lAng"can. shudder because of 635
da> 打猎 [打猎] da/lib` go hunting 636
da> 打破 [打破] da/po. break 637
da> 打扑克 [玩啤] wan/pE- play poker 638
da> 打球 [打波] da/bo- play tball 639
da> 打扰了 [滚搅晒] gwan/gAo/sAi-. bother 640
da> 打伞 [担遮] dAm-zE- hold an umbrella 641
da> 打扫 [打扫] da/sou. clean 642
da> 打闪 [闪电] xim/din` thunder 643
da> 打算 [打算] da/xun. plan;intend 644
da> 打一顿 [打一餐] da/yad-cAn- give a beat 645
da> 打针 [打针] da/zam- give or get an 646
da> injection 0
da> 打桌球 [督波] dug-bo- play table tennis 647
da> 打字机 [打字机] da/ji`gei- typrwriter 648
da` 大 [大] dAi-` big 649
da` 这么大 [咁大] gam'dAi` so big 650
da` 大白菜 [黄芽白] wong*nga*bAg` Chinese cabbage 651
da` 大便 [大便] dAi-`bin` defecate;poop 652
da` 大便 [屙屎] ngo-xi/ defecate;poop 653
da` 大饼 [烧饼] xiu/bEng/ sesame seed cake 654
da` 大伯 [阿伯] a.bAg. uncle 655
da` 大伯 [大伯] dAi-`bAg. elder uncle 656
da` 大胆 [大胆] dAi-`dAm/ dare 657
da` 大多数人 [大多数人] dAi-`do-sou.yan* the vast majotity of 658
da` [eople 0
da` 大儿子 [大仔] dAi`zai/ eldest son 659
da` 大概 [大概] dAi`koi./ general idealgenaral 660
da` 大个子 [大只佬] dAi`zEg.lou/ a ig burly man 661
da` 大哥 [大哥] dAi-`go- elder brother 662
da` 大姑 [大姑] dAi-`gu- elder aunt 663
da` 大寒 [大寒] dAi-`hon* Greater Cold 664
da` 大后天 [大后日] dAi-`hao`yad` day after tomorrow 665
da` 大众 [大众] dAi-`zung. masses 666
da` 大家 [大家] dAi-`ga- all;everybody 667
da` 大姐 [大姐] dAi-`zE/ eldest sister 668
da` 大姐 [阿姐] a.zE/ elder sister 669
da` 大了点儿 [大咗啲] dAi-`zo/di- a little bigger 670
da` 大陆 [大陆] dAi-`lug` mainland 671
da` 大门 [大门] dAi-`mun* entrance (or front) 672
da` door 0
da` 大米 [米] mai" rice 673
da` 大拇指 [手指公] sao/ji/gung- thumb 674
da` 大年三十 [年三十] nin*sAm-sab` lunar New Yeaar's eve 675
da` 大女儿 [大女] dAi-`neu/ eldest daughter 676
da` 大甩卖 [卖大包] mAi-`dAi-`bAo- sel sth. at reduced pr 677
da` 大票 [大纸] dAi-ji/ bill of large ddenomin 678
da` 大前天 [大前日] dAi-`qin*yad` three days ago 679
da` 大热天 [天时暑热] tin-xi*xu/yid` extremely hot days 680
da` 大婶 [阿婶] a.sam/ ajnt 681
da` 大声喧哗 [嘈喧巴闭] cou*xun-ba-bai. very noisy 682
da` 大寿 [大寿] dai`sao` birthday 683
da` 大叔 [阿叔] a.sug- uncle 684
da` 大暑 [大暑] dAi-`xu/ Greater Heat 685
da` 大蒜 [大蒜] dai`xun. garlic 686
da` 大腿 [大髀] dAi-`bei/ thigh 687
da` 大问题 [大问题] dAi-`man`tai* big problem 688
da` 大雾 [大雾] dAi-`mou` dense fog 689
da` 大厦 [大厦] dAi-`ha` mansion 690
da` 大小 [大细] dAi-`sai. size 691
da` 大新闻 [大件事]HG dAi-`gin`xi` big news 692
da` 大学 [大学] dAi-`hog` university;;college 693
da` 大学新生 [新鲜人] san-xin-yan* freshm an 694
da` 大衣 [大褛] dAi-`lao- overcoat;topcoat 695
da` 大意 [大意] dAi-`yi. general 696
da` 大约 [约莫] yoeg.mog/ about 697
da` 大约 [大概] dAi-`koi. about 698
da` 大约 [大约] dAi-`yoeg. about 699
da` 大约十斤 [十斤重度] sab`gan-cung"dou`/ about ten jin 700
dai- 呆在家里 [踎喺屋企] mao-hai/ug-kei" stay at home 701
dai` 大夫 [医生] yi-sang- docter 702
dai` 戴 [戴] dAi. put on;wear 703
dai` 戴眼镜 [戴眼镜] dAi.ngan"geng/ wear glasses 704
dai` 戴帽子 [戴帽] dAi.mou`/ wear a cap 705
dai` 带 [带] dAi. carry 706
dai` 带 [带埋] dAi..mAi-* bring with oneself 707
dai` 带 [带] dAi. bring with sth. 708
dai` 带钱 [带钱] dAi.qin/ bring money 709
dai` 带全 [旣齐] lo/cai* bring all with oneself 710
dai' 把行李带全[旣齐行李] lo/cai*hAng*lei" bring all lugage 711
dai` 带我去吧 [带我去啦] dai.ngo"heu.la- go with me 712
dai` 代 [代] doi` take the place of 713
dai` 代表 [代表] doi`biu/ telegate 714
dai` 代表团 [代表团] doi`biu/tyun* telegation 715
dai` 代别人领 [代人领] doi` yan* lEng" receive sth. for sb. 716
dai` 代理人 [代理人] doi`lei"yan* agent 717
dai` 代领 [代领] doi`lEng" receive sth. for sb. 718
dai` 代销 [代销] doi`xiu- sell on consigment 719
dai` 待业 [踎蹲] HG mao-dan- job-waiting 720
dai` 逮捕证 [花令纸] HG fa-ling/ji/ arrest warrant 721
dan- 耽误时间 [阻你嘅时间] zo/nei"gE.xi*gAn. vaste your time 722
dan- 担心 [担心] dAm-sam- be worried 723
dan- 单程机票 [单程机票] dAn-qing*gei-piu. one-way tair icket 724
dan- 单人床 [单人床] dAn-yan*cong* singgle bed 725
dan- 单人间 [单人房] dAn-yan*fong*/ singgle room 726
dan- 单身 [吉身]HG gad-san- single;unmarried 727
dan- 单身汉 [单身汉] dAn-san-hon. bachelor 728
dan- 单身汉 [寡佬] gwa/lou"/ bachelor 729
dan- 单位 [单位] dAn-wai`/ unit 730
dan> 胆小 [细胆] sai.dAm/ iimid;cowardly 731
dan` 但是 [不过] bad-gwo. but;however 732
dan` 但是 [但系] dAn`hai` but 733
dan` 但愿 [但愿] dAn`yun` I hope 734
dan` 但愿如此 [但愿如此] dAn`yun`yu*qi/ I hope so. 735
dan` 淡(不咸) [淡] tAm" tasteless 736
dan` 弹药 [弹药] dAn/yoeg` ammunition 737
dan` 蛋糕 [蛋糕] dAn`gou- cake 738
dang- 当 [当] dong- work as 739
dang- 当兵 [当兵] dong-bing- serve in an army 740
dang- 当初 [当初] dong-co- at the beginning; 741
dang- originary;initially 0
dang- 当归 [当归] dong-gwai- Chinese angdeliea 742
dang- 当局 [当局] dong-gug` authorities 743
dang- 当面 [当面] dong-min` be face to face 744
dang- 当然1 [当然] dong-yin* of course 745
dang- 当然2 [梗系] gang/hai` certainly 746
dang- 当时 [当时] dong-xi* at that time ;then 747
dang- 走路当心啵[好声行啵] hou/sEng-hAng*bo. walk carefully 748
dang- 当作 [当作] dong-zog. act as 749
dang> 挡风 [挡风] dong/fung- shelter from the wind 750
dang> 挡雨 [挡雨] dong/yu" shelter from the rain 751
dang> 档案 [快劳]HG fAi-lou/ file 752
dang> 档案夹 [快劳]HG fAi-lou/ file 753
dao- 刀子 [刀] dou- knife 754
dao> 捣乱 [混吉]HG wan`gad- make trouble 755
dao> 倒闭 [执笠]HG zab-lab- close down 756
dao> 倒霉 [衰] soeu- have bad luck 757
dao> 导游 [带街]HG dAi-.gAi-- tour guide 758
dao> 导游 [导游] dou`yao* tour guide 759
dao` 倒茶 [斟茶] zam-ca* pour tea 760
dao` 倒杯茶 [倒杯茶] dou`bui-ca* pour a cup of tea 761
dao` 蹈垃圾 [蹈垃圾] dou`lab`sab. dump rubbish 762
dao` 到 (动词) [到] dou. arrive 763
dao` 到...来 [嚟] lai* come to... 764
dao` 到...去 [去] heu. go to .. 765
dao` 到处跑 [周围啄] zao-wai*doeg. go about 766
dao` 到底 [到底] dou/dai/ at all 767
dao` 到顶 [顶陇] HG ding/lung/ go to the top 768
dao` 到工厂 [去厂] heu.cong/ go to the factory 769
dao` 到过 [到过] dou`gwo. went to 770
dao` 到街上去 [去街度] heu.gAi--dou` go to the street 771
dao` 到了之后 [到咗之后] dou.zo/ji-hao` after arrival 772
dao. 到时间 [够钟] gao.zung- It 's just the time. 773
dao` 到位 [到位] dou.wai` reach the designated 774
dao` place;be in place 0
dao` 到站1 [到站] dou.zAm` arrive at a station 775
dao` 稻谷 [谷] gug- paddy 776
dao` 稻种 [谷种] gug-zung/ rice seed 777
dao` 稻子 [稻] dou` rice;paddy 778
dao` 稻子 [禾] wo*[禾] rice ;paddy 779
dao` 割稻子 [割禾] god.vo* harvest of rice 780
dao` 道理 [道理] dou`lei" principle;truth; 781
dao` hows and whys 0
dao` 道歉 [道歉] dou`hib. make an apology 782
de ...的话1 [...嘅话] ...gE.wa/ if 783
de 有空的话 [得闲嘅话] dag-hAn*gE.wa/ if you are free 784
de 写得好 [写得好] sE/dag-hou/ well written 785
de 我的 [我嘅] ngo"gE. my 786
de 你的 [你嘅] nei"gE. your 787
de 他的 [佢嘅] koeu"gE. his 788
de/ 得到 [得到] dag-dou. get 789
de/ 得一点好处[捞水尾] HG lou-soeu/mei" gain a little benefit 790
deng- 登报 [登报] dang-. publish in a newspaper 791
deng- 登机卡 [登机卡] dang-gei-kad- boarding card 792
deng- 登机证 [登机证] dang-gei-jing. boarding pass 793
deng- 登记 [登记] dang-gei. register 794
deng- 登记处 [登记处] dang-gei.qu. registation desk 795
deng- 登门拜访 [登门拜访] dang-mun*bai.fong/ pay sb. a visit 796
deng> 等 [等] dang/ wait 797
deng> 等了三天 [等咗三日] dang/zo/sam-yad` wait for three days 798
deng> 等 [等] dang/(表示列举未完) and so on;etc. 799
deng> 等车 [等车] dang/cE- wait for a train, 800
deng> bus,etc. 0
deng> 等候 [等候] dang/hao` wait 801
deng> 等你很久了[等你好耐咯] dang/nei"hou/noi`lo. have waited for you 802
dang> fora lonh time 0
deng> 等一会儿1 [等一阵] dang/yad-zan/ wait a moment 803
deng> 等一会儿2 [等阵间] dang/zan/gAn- wait a moment 804
deng> 等一会儿3 [等阵] dang/zan` wait a moment 805
deng> 等着 [等住] dang/ju` wait 806
deng> 戥子 [厘秤] lei*qing. small scale for weigh 807
deng> ing precious metal , 0
deng> medicine etc. 0
deng` 瞪眼 [眼光光] ngAn"gwong-gwong- 808
deng` 凳子 [凳] dang. stool;bench 809
di- 低 [低] dai- low 810
di- 低估 [低估[ dai-gu/ underestimate 811
di- 低矮 [矮磨磨-] ai/mo*mo- low 812
di- 低矮的平房[矮磨磨嘅平房]ai/mo*mo*gE.ping*fong/low houses 813
di/ 敌人 [敌人] dig`yan* enemy 814
di/ 笛子 [笛] dEg` bamboo flute;flute 815
di> 底 [底] dai/ bottom 816
di> 底楼 [地下] dei`ha/ ground floor 817
di` 的确 [的确] dig-kog. indeed 818
di` 的士 [的士] dig-xi/ taxi 819
di` 地区号 [地区号] dei`koeu-hou` number of district 820
di` 地势 [地势] dei`sai topogra[hy 821
di` 地铁 [地车] HG dei`cE- subway 822
di` 乘地铁 [坐地铁] co"dei`ce- take a subway 823
di` 地下 [地下] dei`ha/ underground 824
di` 地址 [地址] dei`ji/ sddress 825
di` 第二个路口[第二个街口] dai`yi`go.gAi--hao/ the second crossing 826
di` 第一次 [第一次] dai`yad-qi. the first time 827
di` 第一个 [第一个] dai`yad-go. the first one 828
di` 弟弟1 [细佬] sai.lou" younger brther 829
di` 弟弟2 [弟弟] dai*dai/ younger brother 830
di` 递给我 [递畀我 dai`bei/ngo" pass me 831
dian> 点灯 [点灯] dim/dang- light the lamp 832
dian> 有点钱 [有啲钱] yao"di-qin/ have some money 833
dian> 点数 [点数] dim/sou. coun the number 834
dian> 三点钟 [三点钟] sAm-dim/zung- three o'clock 835
dian> 点菜 [点菜] dim/coi. order dishes 836
dian> 点几个菜吧[点几味菜啦] dim/gei/mei/coi.la- order a few dishes 837
dian> 点心 [点心] dim/sam- refreshments;pstry 838
dian> 点心部 [点心部] dim/sam-bou` departmen of pastry 839
dian` 垫垫底 [垫下底] din.ha"dai/ have a bite to stave 840
dian` off hungry 0
dian` 垫肩 [肩托] gin-tog. shoulder pad 841
dian` 电报 [电报] din`bou. telegraph 842
dian` 电冰箱 [雪柜] xud.gwai` refrigerator 843
dian` 电车 [电车] din`cE- tram 844
dian` 电传 [电传] din`qun* fax 845
dian` 电吹风 [风筒] fung-tung* electric hair dryer 846
dian` 电饭锅 [电饭煲] HG din`fAn`bou- electric cooker 847
dian` 电话 [电话] din`wa`/ telephone 848
dian` 电话簿 [电话簿] din`wa`/bou`/ telephone directory 849
dian` 缴电话费 [交电话费] gAo.din`wa`/fai. pay phone rates 850
dian` 电话亭 [电话亭] din`wa`/ting* telephone booth 851
dian` 电话占线 [电话打紧] din`wa`/da/gan/ pay phone rates 852
dian` 电汇 [电汇] din`wui` remittence by tel- 853
dian` gram 0
dian` 电疗 [电疗] din`liu* eletrotherophy 854
dian` 电脑 [电脑] din`nou/ computer 855
dian` 电热水器 [电热水器] din`yid`seu/hei. electric water heater 856
dian` 电扇 [电风扇] din`fung-xin. electric fan 857
dian` 电视 [电视] din`xi` television.TV 858
dian` 电视机 [电视机] din`xi`gei- TV set 859
dian` 电视剧 [电视剧] din`xi`kEg. TV drama 860
dian` 电视台 [电视台] din`xi`toi* television station 861
dian` 电视塔 [电视塔] din`xi`tAb. television tower 862
dian` 电台 [电台] din`toi* radio broadcasting 863
dian` station 0
dian` 电梯 [电梯] din`tai- elevator 864
dian` 电筒 [电筒] din`tung*/ electric torch 865
dian` 电影 [电影] din`ying/ movie 866
dian` 电影票 [电影票] din`ying/piu. ticket 867
dian` 电影明星 [电影明星] din`ying/ming*xing- film star 868
dian` 电影院 [电影院] din`ying/yun`/ cinema 869
dian` 电子 [电子] din`ji/ electron 870
dian` 电子游戏机[电子游戏机] din`ji/yao*hei.gei- video game 871
diao- 雕花 [雕花] diu-fa- carving 872
diao` 掉下来 [跌落黎}] did.log`lai* fal down 873
diao` 吊带 [扮带] bAn`dAi-./ susbender belt 874
diao` 钓鱼 [钓鱼] diu.yu* fishing 875
die- 跌打损伤 [跌打损伤] did.da/xun/soeng- injuries from falls 876
die- and knocks 0
die/ 叠 (堆叠) [叠] dib` overlap 877
ding- 钉子 [钉] dEng- nail 878
ding> 顶 [顶] dEng/ top;summit 879
ding> 房顶 [屋顶] ug-dEng/ roof 880
ding> 山顶 [山顶] sAn-dEng/ peak 881
ding> 一顶蚊帐 [一堂蚊帐] yad-tong*man-zoeng. a mosquito net 882
ding> 顶针 [顶针] ding/zam- timble 883
ding> 顶嘴 [顶颈] ding/gEng/ answer back 884
ding` 钉钉 [钉下] deng.ha" drive in a nail 885
ding` 钉扣子 [钉纽扣] deng.nao'kao. sew a button on 886
ding` 定价 [定价] ding`ga. price 887
ding` 订 [订] dEng` order 888
ding` 订单 [柯打] o-da/ order 889
ding` 订单 [订单] dEng`dAn- order for goods 890
ding` 订购 [定购] ding`kao. book 891
ding` 订货合同 [定货合同] dEng`fo.hab`tung* ordering contrack 892
ding` 订票 [订票] dEng`piu. sbook a ticket 893
ding` 订数 [订数] dEng`sou. number of orders 894
ding` 订约 [订约] ding.yoeg. conclude a cntract 895
ding` 订正 [订正] ding.jing. make corrections 896
diu- 丢脸 [甩晒须] lad-sAi-.sou- lose face 897
diu- 丢脸 [丢架] diu-ga. lose face 898
dong- 东方 [东方] dung-fong- east 899
dong- 东方宾馆 [东方宾馆] dung-fong-ban-gun/ Dongfang Hotel 900
dong- 东京 [东京] dung-ging- Tokyo 901
dong- 东风路 [东风路] dung-lou` Dongfeng Road 902
dong- 东南风 [东南风] dung-nAm*fung- southeast wind 903
dong- 东西南北 [东西南北] dung-nAm*sai-bag- west,south, east and 904
dong- west 0
dong- 东西 [嘢] ye" thing 905
dong- 冬 [冬] dung- winter 906
dong- 冬瓜 [冬瓜] dung-gwa- wax gourd;white gourd 907
dong- 冬天1 [冬天] dung-tin- winter 908
dong- 冬天2 [冷天] lAng"tin- winter 909
dong- 冬至 [冬至] dung-ji. Winter Solstice 910
dong> 懂事 [识做] xinxig-zou` sensible;inteligent 911
dong> 董事会 [董事会] dung/xi`wui`/ borad of directors 912
dong> 董事长 [董事长] dung/xi`zoeng/ chairman of the board 913
dong> of directors 0
dong` 动 [郁}] yug- move 914
dong` 动不动 [郁}下] yug-ha" easily;frequentl; 915
dong` at every turn 0
dong` 动画片 [动画片] dung`wa`pin/ animated catoon;catoon 916
dong` 动人 [动人] dung`yan* moving 917
dong` 动手术 [动手术] dung`sao/soed` perform operation 918
dong` 动物园 [动物园] dung`mad`yun* zoo 919
dong` 动作 [动作] dung`zog. action 920
dong` 冻 [冻] dung. freeze 921
dong` 生冻疮 [生萝白] sang-lo*bAg` suffer from chilbrain 922
dong` 冻得要命 [冻到飞起] dung.dou.fei-hei/ feel extremely cold 923
dou- 都 [都] dou- all 924
dou- 都到了吗 [都到咗未啊] dou-dou.zo/mei`a. Is everybody here? 925
dou- 都很努力 [都好勤力] dou-hou/kan*lig` Every body works hard 926
dou- 都是 [都系] dou-hai` be all 927
dou> 陡 [斜] cE* steep 928
dou` 斗 [斗] dao. struggle 929
dou` 斗气 [硬颈] ngAg`gEng/ be angry with 930
dou` 豆腐汤 [豆腐汤] dao`fu`tong- bean curd soup 931
dou` 豆浆 [豆浆] dao`zoeng- soya bean milk 932
dou` 豆芽 [芽菜] nga*coi. beab sprouts 933
dou` 逗孩子玩 [撩细路仔] liu*sai.lou`zai/ play with a child 934
dou` 逗笑 [搅笑]HG gAo/xiu. amusing 935
du/ 读 [读] dug` read 936
du/ 读完 [读完] dug`yun* have read all 937
du` 度假 [度假] dou`ga. spend a holiday 938
duan- 端出 [捧出] pung/coeu- bring in 939
duan- 端正的态度[端正嘅态度] dyun-jing.ge.tai.dou` right attitude 940
duan- 端午节 [五月节] ng"yud`jid. Dragon Boat Festival 941
duan- 端午节 [端午节] dyun-ng"jid. Dragon Boat Festival 942
duan> 短 [短] dyun/ short 943
duan> 短短 [短短] dyun/dyun/ short 944
duan> 短裤 [短裤] dyun/fu. short pants;shorts 945
duan> 短上衣 [衫仔] sAmzai/ short jacket 946
duan> 短袖汗衫 [T恤] ti-soed- T-shirt 947
duan` 锻炼 [锻炼] dyun`lin` physical exercises 948
duan` 段落 [段落] dyun`log` paragraph 949
dui` 兑换 [兑换] doeu.wun` exchage 950
dui` 对 [啱] ngAm- right 951
dui` 对 [对] doeu. right 952
dui` 对不起 [对唔住] deu.m*ju` excuse me 953
dui` 对的 [啱嘅] ngAm-gE. correct 954
dui` 对面 [对面] doeu.min` opposie ;face to face 955
dui` 对面谈 [面谈] min`tAam* talk face-to=face 956
dui` 对虾 [对虾] doeu.ha- prawn 957
dui` 对于 [对于] deu.yu- as for;as to 958
dui` 对着 [对住] doeu.ju` be trained on;be 959
dui` directed at 0
dun- 蹲 [踎] mao- squal on the heels 960
dun` 一顿 [一餐] yad-cAn- a meal 961
dun` 炖 [炖] dan` stew; 962
dan` 炖鸡 [炖鸡] dan`gai- stew chicken 963
duo- 哆嗦 [颤] can. treble ;shiver 964
duo- 多重 几重] gei/cung' what is the weight 965
duo- 多 [多] do- many;much 966
duo- 十多块 [十零缗] sab`ling*man- more than ten yuan 967
duo- 多长时间 [几耐时间] gei/noi`/ how long 968
duo- 多吃点儿 [食多啲] xig`do-di- eat more 969
duo- 多大 [几大] gei/dAi-` how old are you 970
duo- 多大年纪 [几大年纪] gei/dAi-`nin*gei/ how old 971
duo- 多多保重 [多多保重] do-do-bou/zung` take good care of 972
duo- yourself 0
duo- 多放点盐 [落多啲盐 log`do-di-yim* add more salt 973
duo- 多高 [几高] gei/gou- how tall 974
duo- 多给一些 [畀多啲] bei/do-di- give more 975
duo- 多好看哪 [几好睇呀] gei/hou/tai/a. how beaytiful 976
duo- 多好哇 [几好呀] gei/hou/a` how nice 977
duo- 多喝几杯 [饮多几杯] yam/do-gei/bui- drink more cups 978
duo- 多极了 [鬼咁多] gwai/gam.do- much more 979
duo- 多加点儿 [加多啲] ga-do-di- add more 980
duo- 多久 [几耐] gei/noi`/ how long 981
duo- 多宽 [几阔] gei/fud. how wide 982
duo- 多亏 [多得] do-dag- owe sth. to sb. 983
duo- 多亏你帮助[多得你嘅帮助]do-dag-nei>ge.bong-zo` thanks to your help 984
duo- 多冒失呀 [几失魂呀] gei/sad-wan*a. how rash 985
duo- 多么 [几] gei/ how 986
duo- 多么 [几曂] gei/gam. how 987
duo- 多么好啊 [几曂好呀] gei/gam.hou/a. how nice 988
duo- 多拿几个 [攞多几个] lo/do-gei/go. take more 989
duo- 多能干哪 [几呖呀] gei/lEg-a. how clever 990
duo- 多漂亮 [几靓啵] gei/lEng.bo. how beautiful 991
duo- 多少 [几多] gei/do- how many 992
duo- 多少年 [几年] gei/nin* how many years 993
duo- 多少钱 [几多钱] gei/do-qin/ how much money 994
duo- 多少钱 [几钱] gei/qin/ how much money 995
duo- 多少钱一斤[几钱一斤] gei/do-qin/yad-gan- how much money for 996
duo- 多少钱一斤[几钱一斤] gei/qin/yad-gan- how much money per 997
duo- jin 0
duo- 多神气呀 [几精神呀] gei/jing-san*a` how vigorous 998
duo- 多生动啊 [几生动呀] gei/sang-dung` a. how vivid 999
duo- 十元多 [十松缗] sab` sung-man- more than ten yuan 1000
duo- 多远 [几远] gei/yun/ how far 1001
duo- 多云 [多云] do-wan* cloudy 1002
duo- 多重 [几重] gei/cung" how much weiht 1003
duo- 多住几天 [住多几日] ju`do-gei/yad` syay more days 1004
duo- 多走运啊 [几行运呀] gei/hAng*wan`a. how fortunat you are 1005
duo> 躲 [匿埋] nei*mAi-* hide 1006
duo> 一朵花 [一朵花] yad-doe/fa- a flower 1007
duo` 夺目 [抢眼] coeng/ngAn" dazzle the eyes 1008
duo` 剁 [剁] doeg. chop 1009
e- 诶,你来 [诶.你嚟] E-.nei" lai* Hey!Come here. 1010
e- 诶,快点来.[诶,快啲嚟] E-.fAi>di-lai* Hey!Come over here 1011
e/ 鹅 [鹅] ngo*/ goose 1012
e/ 鹅毛 [鹅毛] ngo*mou* goose feather 1013
e/ 俄罗斯 [俄罗斯] ngo*lo*xi- Russia 1014
e/ 俄语 [俄语] ngo*yu" Russian languag 1015
e` 饿 [饿] ngo` be hungry;feel 1016
e` 饿死 [饿死] ngo`sei/ syarve to death 1017
er/ 而今 [而今] yi*gam- now;at the present 1018
er. 而且 [而且] yi*cE/ and also 1019
er/ 鸸鹋 [鸸鹋] yi*miu* ermu 1020
en- 恩情 [恩情] yan0qing* favour;kindness 1021
en- 恩人 [恩人] yan-yan* benefactor 1022
er/ 儿童节 [儿童节] yi*tung*jid. International Chil- 1023
er/ dren's Day 0
er/ 儿童医院 [儿童医院] yitung*yi-yun/ children's hospital 1024
er/ 儿媳妇 [新妇] san-fu/ daughter-in-law 1025
er/ 儿媳妇 [心抱] sam-pou"/ daughter-in-law 1026
er/ 儿戏 [儿儿戏戏] yi*yi*hei.hei. trfling matter 1027
er/ 儿子 [仔] zai/ son 1028
er> 耳朵 [耳仔] yi"zai/ ear 1029
er> 耳朵 [耳] yi" ear 1030
er> 耳背 [儿背] yi"lung* be hard of hearing 1031
er> 耳聋 [耳聋] yi"lung* deaf 1032
er> 耳环 [耳环] yi"wan* earring 1033
er> 耳垢 [耳屎] yi"xi/ earwax 1034
er> 耳挖子 [耳挖子] yi"wad.ji/ earpick 1035
er` 二 [二] yi` two 1036
er` 二百 [二百] yi`bAg. to hundred 1037
er` 二等舱 [二等舱] yi`dang/cong- second-class cabin 1038
er` 二十 [二十] yi`sab` twenty 1039
er` 二月 [二月] yi`yud` February 1040
fa- 发财 [发财] fAd.coi* make a fortunel;get 1041
fa- rich 0
fa- 发动机器 [发动机器] fad.dung`ge-hei. start a machine 1042
fa- 发动群众 [发动群众] fad.dung`kwwan*zung' monilizw masses 1043
fa- 发工资 [出粮]HG coed-loeng* issue salary 1044
fa- 发酵粉 [泡打粉] H pAo-da/fan/ powder 1045
fa- 发霉 [发毛] fAd.mou- go mouldy 1046
fa- 发明 [发明] fAd.ming* invent 1047
fa- 发脾气 [发火] fAd.fo/ get angry 1048
fa- 发烧 [身热]HG san-yid` have a fever 1049
fa- 发烧 [发烧] fAd.xiu- have a fever 1050
fa- 发生 [发生] fAd.sang-/ happen 1051
fa- 发身 [发身] fAn.san- pubescence 1052
fa- 发誓 [誓愿] sai`yun` vow;pledge;swear 1053
fa- 发展 [发展] fAd.jin/ develop 1054
fa- 发作 [发作] fAd.zog. break out;show effect 1055
fa> 法国人 [法国人] fAd.gwog.yan* Franchman 1056
fa> 法子 [法子] fAd.ji/ method;way 1057
fan- 番茄 [番茄] fAn-kE*/ tomato 1058
fan- 翻译 [翻译] fAnyig` translate 1059
fan/ 凡士林 [花士令] fa-xi`ling` vaseline 1060
fan/ 凡事 [凡事] fAn*xi` evert;all 1061
fan/ 烦恼 [闭翳] bai.ai. be unhappy 1062
fan> 反对 [反对] fAn/deu. be against;combat 1063
fan> 反正 [横掂] wAng*dim/ it makes no diffe- 1064
fan> ence whether.... 0
fan> 反正要去 [横掂要去] wAng*dim/yiu.heu. must go no matter 1065
fan> what happens 0
fan` 饭吃过了吗[食咗饭未啊 xig`zo/fAn`mei`a. Have you had the meal? 1066
fan` 饭店 [饭店] fAn`dim' restaurant 1067
fan` 饭馆 [饭店] fAn`dim. restaurant 1068
fan` 饭局 [饭局] fAn`gug` feast 1069
fang- 方 [四方] sei.fong- square 1070
fang- 方案 [方案] fong-on. project 1071
fang- 方便 [方便] fong-bin` convenient 1072
fang- 方便面 [方便面] fong-bin`min` instent noodles 1073
fang- 方法 [桥段]HG kiu*dyun` method;way 1074
fang- 方法 [花臣] fa-san/ fashion 1075
fang- 方面 [方面] fong-min` respect 1076
fang- 方式 [方式] fong-xig- way;method 1077
fang- 方位 [方位] fong-wai/ direction anf position 1078
fang- 方言 [方言] fong-yin* dialect 1079
fang/ 房顶 [屋顶] ug-dEnf/ roof 1080
fang/ 房间 [房] fong/ room 1081
fang/ 房间 [房间] fong*gAn- room 1082
fang/ 房梁 [屋梁] ug-loeng* roof beam 1083
fang/ 房门 [房门] fong*mun*/ door to a room 1084
fang/ 房子 [屋] ug- house 1085
fang/ 防治 [防治] fong*ji` prevention and treat- 1086
fang/ ment 0
fang/ 妨碍 [妨碍] fong*ngoi` hindder;hamper 1087
fang/ 妨碍交通 [妨碍交通] fong*ngoi`gAo-tung- block traffic 1088
fang/ 妨碍团结 [妨碍团结] fong*ngoi`tyun*gid. hinder unity 1089
fang> 访问 [访问] fong/man` visit 1090
fang> 访问学者 [访问学者] fong/man`hog`zE/ visiting scholar 1091
fang> 纺织品 [纺织品] fong/jig-ban/ textile 1092
fang` 放盐 [落盐] log`yim. add salt 1093
fang` 放 [放] fong. put 1094
fang` 放 [挤]: zai- put 1095
fang` 放大 [放大] fong.dai` magnify 1096
fang` 放大镜 [放大镜] fong.Ai`gEng. magnifier 1097
fang` 放荡不羁 [冇天装]HG mou"tin-zong- unconventional and 1098
fang` unrestrained 0
fang` 放到...里 [放入] fong.yab` put sth.. in 1099
fang` 放到抽屉里[放入柜桶] fong.yab`gwai`tong/ put sth. into the 1100
fang` the drawer 0
fang` 放飞风筝 [放飞咗纸鹞] fong.fei-zo/ji/yiu" fly a kite 1101
fang` 放过 [放过] fong.gwo. let sb.off;let sb. 1102
fang` slip by 0
fang` 放回 [放翻] fong.fAn- let sb. go away 1103
fang` 放进了 [挤咗落去] zai-zo/log`hoeu put into 1104
fang` 放人 [放人] fongyan* release a person 1105
fang` 放下 [放低] fong.dai- lay down 1106
fang` 放心 [放心] fong.sam- be at ease 1107
fang` 放盐 [落盐] log`yim* add salt 1108
fang` 放在这里 [放喺呢度] fong.hai/ni-dou` put it here 1109
fei- 非常 [非常] fei-soeng* very 1110
fei- 非常 [飞起] fei-hei/ very much 1111
fei- 非常热 [热到飞起] yid`dou/fei-hei/ very hot 1112
fei- 非常感谢 [多谢] do-zE` thank sb. veru much 1113
fei- 非常感谢 [多谢晒] do-zE`sAi-. thanks a lot 1114
fei- 非法移民 [人蛇]HG yan*sE* illegal migrant 1115
fei- 飞 [飞] fei- fly 1116
fei- 飞机 [飞机] fei-gei- aeroplane 1117
fei- 飞机票 [飞机票] fei-gei-piu. air ticket 1118
fei- 飞行员 [飞机师] fei-gei-xi- pilot 1119
fei/ 肥 [阔] fud. fat 1120
fei/ 肥皂 [枧] gAn/ soap 1121
fei/ 肥皂 [番枧] fAn-gAn/ soap 1122
fei` 肺炎 [肺炎] fai.yim* pneumonia 1123
fei` 痱子 [热痱] yid`fei/ prickly heat 1124
fen- 吩咐 [吩咐] fan-fu` spoken order;tell; 1125
fen- instruct 0
fen- 分 [分](名词) fan- minute 1126
fen- 五分 [五分] ng" fan- five minutes 1127
fen- 分店 [分店] fan-dim. bran of (shop) 1128
fen- 分机 [分机] fan-gei- (telephone) extention 1129
fen- 分理处 [分理处] fan-lei`qu. 1130
fen- 分歧 [分歧] fan-kei* difference 1131
fen- 分析 [分析] fan-xig- analyze 1132
fen/ 坟 [坟墓] fan*mou` grave;tomb 1133
fen> 粉(粉状物)[粉] fan/ power 1134
fen> 粉丝 [粉丝] fan/xi- vermicelli 1135
fen> 粉条儿 [粉条] fan/tiu/ noodles 1136
fen` 分外 [零舍] ling*sE. especially 1137
fen` 份 [份] fan` portion 1138
fen` 愤怒 [愤怒] fan"nou` angry;anger 1139
feng- 丰盛 [丰盛] fung-xing` rich;abandant 1140
feng- 丰收 [丰收] fung-sao- bumper harvest 1141
feng- 封闭 [封]闭) fung-bai. seal up;block 1142
feng- 一封信 [一封信 yad-fung-soen. a letter 1143
feng- 蜂蜜 [蜜糖] mad`tong* honey 1144
feng- 风 [风] fung- wond 1145
feng- 风景 [景致] ging/ji. scenery;landscape 1146
feng- 风景区 [风景区] fung-ging/keu- scenic spot 1147
feng- 风扇 [风扇] fung-xin. electric fen;fen 1148
feng- 风太大 [风大得滞] fung-dAi-`dag-zai` The wind blows too 1149
feng- hard. 0
feng- 风味 [风味] fung-mei` distinctive flavour 1150
feng- 风也小了 [风都细晒喇] fung-dou-sai.sAi-.la The wind blow not 1151
feng- hard. 0
feng- 风衣 [干湿褛] gon-sab-lao- wind-jacket 1152
feng- 风衣 [风褛] fung-lao- wind-jacket 1153
feng- 风雨不改 [风雨唔变] fung-yu"m*bin. regaerdless of the 1154
feng- weather 0
feng- 风云人物 [风云人物] fung-wan* yan*mad` influential person; 1155
feng- man of the hour 0
feng- 风筝 [纸鹞] ji/yiu`/ kite 1156
feng- 疯 [颠] din- go mad 1157
feng- 疯疯颠颠 [颠颠废废] din-din-fai.fai. be mentally deranged 1158
feng- 疯了 [狂咗] kwong*zo/ deranged;go mad 1159
feng- 疯婆子 [颠婆] din-po*/ mad woman 1160
feng- 疯子 [颠佬] din-lou"/ madman 1161
feng/ 缝纫机 [衣车] yi-cE- sewing machine 1162
fou> 否则 [否则] fao/zag- otherwise 1163
fou> 否则 [如果冇] yu*gwo/mou" otherwise 1164
fu- 夫妻 [夫妻] fu-cai- husband and wife 1165
fu- 夫人 [夫人] fu-yan* madam 1166
fu- 敷药 [敷药] fu-tyoeg` apply oitment 1167
fu- 麸子 [糠] hong- (heat) bran 1168
fu/ 扶手 [扶手] fu* sao/ handrail 1169
fu/ 服务 [服务] fug`mou` serve;service 1170
fu/ 服务台 [服务台] fug`mou`toi* service desk 1171
fu/ 服务员 [服务员] fug`mou`yun* attendant 1172
fu/ 服药 [食药] xig`yoeg. take medicine 1173
fu/ 服装厂 [服装厂] fug`zong-cong/ clothing factory 1174
fu/ 服装商店 [服装商店] fug`zong-soeng-dim. clothing shop 1175
fu/ 复习功课 [温书] wan-hou/xu- review lessons 1176
fu/ 茯苓 [茯苓] fug`ling* fuling(Poris cocos) 1177
fu> 斧头 [斧头] fu/tao* axe 1178
fu` 敷药 [敷药] fu.yoeg. apply ointment 1179
fu` 腐乳 [腐乳] fu`yu" beancurd 1180
fu` 副本 [副本] fu.bun/ duplicate; 1181
u` 复习 [复习] fug-zab` review 1182
fu` 复印 [复印] fug-yan. rduplicate 1183
fu` 复印机 [复印机] fug-yan.gei- duplicator 1184
fu` 付款 [付款] fu`fun/ pay money 1185
fu` 付了钱 [畀咗钱 bei/zo/qin*/ have paid money 1186
fu` 付钱 [畀钱] bei/qin*/ pay money 1187
fu` 父亲(指称)[老豆] lou"dao` father 1188
fu` 附近 [左近] zo/gan/ nearby 1189
fu` 附近 [附近] fu`gan`/ nearby 1190
fu` 附近 [周围] zao-wai* nearby 1191
fu` 附录 [附录] fu`lug` appendix (to a book) 1192
fu` 附议 [附议] fu`yi" support a proposal 1193
fu` 妇科 [妇科] fu"fo- department of 1194
fu` gynaecology 0
fu` 妇联 [妇联] fu`loen` the Women's 1195
fu` Federation 0