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发表于 2010-12-24 04:13:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
这篇文章的上下两个半部截然不同,感觉到吗?看看: 官方叫停“不给力”网友自创中国特色英文(图)
发布时间:2010-12-23 01:26:35 【来源:西安晚报】 新闻出版总署日前下发《关于进一步规范出版物文字使用的通知》。通知指出,随着经济社会的发展,在报纸、期刊、图书、音像制品和电子书、互联网等各类出版物中,外国语言文字使用量剧增,出现了在汉语言中随意夹杂英语等外来语、直接使用英文单词或字母缩写、生造一些非中非外、含义不清的词语等滥用语言文字的问题,严重损害了汉语言文字的规范性和纯洁性,破坏了和谐健康的语言文化环境,造成了不良的社会影响。 通知要求,各出版媒体和出版单位要充分认识规范使用汉语言文字的重要意义,严格执行规范使用汉语言文字有关规定。 通知要求,高度重视规范使用外国语言文字。出版媒体和出版单位要进一步加强外国语言文字的使用规范化,尊重并遵循汉语言及所使用的外国语言文字的结构规律和词汇、语法规则。在汉语出版物中,禁止出现随意夹带使用英文单词或字母缩写等外国语言文字;禁止生造非中非外、含义不清的词语;禁止任意增减外文字母、颠倒词序等违反语言规范现象。汉语文出版物中需要使用外国语言文字的,应当用国家通用语言文字作必要的注释。外国语言文字的翻译应当符合翻译的基本原则和惯例。外国人名、地名等专有名词和科学技术术语要按有关规定翻译成国家通用语言文字。
“不给力”一词就这样变成“英语” 通知要求,各级新闻出版行政部门要进一步加强对出版物语言文字使用及质量的管理和检查。将出版物使用语言文字情况,尤其是使用外语规范情况作为出版物质量检查和年度核验的重要内容,并将其纳入日常审读范围。对违反使用语言文字规范的,要责令改正,依法予以行政处罚。 据了解,根据通知精神,目前在网上使用频率很高的“ungeliable”等词汇将只能在网上流行,而不能进入出版物了。 综合新华社等 ungeliable ungeliable 这个词,虽然看上去是英语,却体现了中西合璧的造词逻辑。前缀“un-”在英语中表示否定,可翻译为“不”;后缀“-able”在英语中表示单词为形容词;而中间的“geli”却是直接音译自中文的“给力(geili)”。与其他英文单词相比,这一“中式英语”单词基本上符合了英语造词规则,唯一不同之处则在于老外绝对看不懂。 虽然老外看不懂,但是ungeli-able在中国网友中却大受欢迎。“昂给力围脖!”网友们不仅第一时间就弄懂了它的发音,而且举一反三,“不给力是ungelivable,给力就是gelivable。”“哈哈,这单词实在太gelivable了!” 各知名微博对此进行纷纷转载,转发量很快破万。网友戏称,ungeliable可能是有史以来传播速度最快的英文单词。 那些有中国特色的自创英文单词[中英字典版] Smilence 笑而不语 vi. When you are expecting some answers from your Chinese audience, you may just get a mysterious smile and their silence only. 动词 当你期望从中国听众那里获得一些回答的时候,你只得到了神秘的微笑和他们的沉默。 n. the facial expression with smile while keeping ones mouth shut. 名词 笑而不语的表情 ie. Once asked about what happened after July, 5th, 2009 in Xinjiang, the western province of China, many Uygurs smilenced. 例句:当被问及新疆七・五事件之后发生了什么,许多维族人笑而不语。 Democrazy 民主妄想 n. Democrazyis an illusional system of government in which people choose their rulers by voting for them in elections, which only exists in few Chinese imagination. 名词 极少数中国人所想象的由人民通过投票来选择领导者的一种妄想中的制度。 ie. In the mysterious land like China, the cure for democrazy, a dangerous sickness can be found in mental-illness hospitals or prisons. 例句:在中国这片神奇的土地上,要治疗民主妄想这种危险疾病的方法就是进精神病医院或监狱。 Togayther 终成眷属 :be with each other no matter what 无论怎样在一起 ie. They met each other in a Chinese university campus; they have been togayther finally after graduation and going abroad. 例句:他们在一所中国的大学校园里相遇,他们终于在毕业出国后终成眷属。 Freedamn 自由 n.Once you think you can do what you want to do, you are also damned in Malegebi. 一旦你以为自己可以想做什么就做什么,你在马勒戈壁也就玩完了。 ie. Life is dear, love is dearer. Both can be given up; then all you have is freedamn. 生命诚可贵,爱情价更高,二者均已抛,自由也未到。 Shitizen P民 n.a shitizen of a particular country like China is legally accepted as belonging to that country without any right of citizen. P民是在特定的国家,如中国,在法律上被认定属于这个国家但没有任何公民权利的“公民”。 ie. "I'm a senior official as your mayor, and you are only a shitizen!"quote from a high-rank drunk Chinese official, Mr. Lin. 中国的林先生,一位高级官员在酒后说:“我和你们市长一个级别,你就是个P民!” Divoice 离婚宣言 n. an announcement made for divorce 为离婚而发表的声明 ie. "I am so happy to divorce with you. And I wish you and your Xiaosan a merry marriage like ours."That's a divoice from a woman who managed to leave her ex-husband almost nothing. 例句:“我很高兴与你离婚。我祝你和你的小三的婚姻如我们曾经那样的幸福。”这是一位妇女成功地让她的前夫“净身出户”之后的离婚宣言。 Animale 男人天性 n. the basic instinct of the species called "male" 被称为“男人”这一种群的本能 ie. Tiger Woods didn't do anything wrong but showing his animale. 例句:老虎・伍兹除了展示了一下男人天性之外,什么也没做错。 Amerryca 享乐国 n. A country where people enjoy 70% energy supply and asking others to cut. 一个自己享用了全球70%的能源供给却要求别的国家减少碳排放量的国家 ie. If you were elected in Amerryca, you would be a war president and Nobel peace prize winner at the same time too. 例句:如果你在享乐国当选了,你也能同时成为战时总统和诺贝尔和平奖获得者。 Innernet 内联网 n.a restricted computer network connecting other approved networks and computers in certain regions or countries like China, Iran, Vietnam etc. 在某些特定的地区或国家,如中国、伊朗、越南等,仅与被批准的通信网络和电脑相联的网络 ie. "What iswhat is, ah? Innernet is Yake Lizard!" “什么亚克蜥?啊 什么亚克蜥?内联网就是亚克蜥!” Please refer to this article for more details:请阅读下文获得更多信息:本文中译译者即将推出《泰晤士报:中国的互联网被神秘动物作弄》 Chinese censors tormented by mythical animal - Times Online Yakshit 亚克蜥 n. abbreviation of Yake Lizard mentioned above 亚克蜥的缩写 ie. "What is yakshit what is, ah The CPC Central Committee’s policies are." "什么亚克蜥?什么亚克蜥?啊 党的政策亚克蜥。" Translation of the full lyric of the hot song played on the show of Spring Festival for the year of tiger. 虎年春节联欢晚会上的热门歌曲《亚克蜥》全文歌词英译,见下: Yakshit: The New Year’s Hottest Internet Slang? Departyment 有关部门 n. The most mysterious department in China, which is in charge of almost everything and you can never find it when needed. 最为神秘的中国部门,它主管几乎所有的事,但你永远无法找到它 ie. When google said it wants to negotiate with Chinese departyment about its threat of pulling out of China, it found that there is no such a departyment. 当谷歌说要和中国的有关部门谈判撤出中国的威胁时,它发现它找不到这个“有关部门”。 Suihide 躲猫猫 v. kill oneself by playing seek-and-hide game 躲猫猫式自杀 ie. The word suihide is invented from the experience of Mr. Qiaoming Li ,who was found dead after he was put into custody more than 10 days for his cutting a tree on Kuming city, Yunnan province. The initial report issued by the police said he fell down when playing a hide-and-seek game during the custody along with other prisoners. “躲猫猫”一词来源于李荞明的经历,他因涉嫌砍伐了一颗云南省昆明市的树木而被拘禁,在拘禁十天后他被发现死亡。警方出具的最早的报告称他是在拘留所里和 其他犯人玩“躲猫猫”游戏时意外身亡。 Don’train 动车 v. the advanced high-speed train which costs more than average Chinese can afford. 大多数的中国人乘不起的先进的高速列车 ie. When they were told that most of migrant works cannot afford go back to their hometowns for the Spring Festival reunion by airplane, the officials responded, "Now they have the option to take Don'train." 当被告知多数的农民工没钱乘飞机回家过年时,官员们的回答是“现在他们可以乘动车嘛!” Corpspend 捞尸费 n. the fare you are supposed to pay for others to save your corpse after you die. 你在死后应付给捞尸者的费用 ie. If you can avoid being fished when you are alive, and save most of the corpspend, you are definitely a successful shitizen! 如果活着的时候你能逃过被“钓鱼”,死后又能省下大部分的“捞尸费”,你绝对是一名成功的P民! Please refer to the following for details: 请点击下面的报道了解更多详情。 Three Teens Drowned In Jingzhou Jokarlist 妓者 n.a person whose job is to collect and write false stories for newspapers, magazines, radio or television and make them not as much as jokes. 一名为报纸、杂志、广播或电视制造虚假消息,并使它们显得不那么象笑话并以此为职业的人 ie. Every jokarlist make such statement when they start their professional life, "I swear that in my professional life, I will write only for those who give me tips and make sure nobody would be pissed off by my reports." 每位妓者在开始其职业生涯时都要做如下声明:“我宣誓,我仅为那些给我红包的人写作,并确保无人将因为我的报道而发怒。” Vegeteal 偷菜 v. the most popular on-line game in China which everyone with IQ above 30 can play. 任何智商在30以上的人都可以玩的中国最流行的网络游戏。 ie. Netizens in Xinjiang have paid cash for friends out of the province to continue play vegeteal for over half a year, and the market demand even created related jobs. 新疆网民向外省的朋友付费来持续玩偷菜游戏超过半年,这种需求甚至创造出了相关的工作岗位。 Related reports相关报道: NYT:China's Self-Defeating Censorship 全文中译: 纽约时报:中国的网络审查适得其反 Chinsumer 中国消费者 n. Chinese people whose spending can save China, America, EU and Taiwan from financial crisis at same time 那些可以在金融危机中同时拉动中国、美国、欧盟和台湾内需的中国人 ie. Why do we need to export any value to be a superpower? As long as we can export Chinsumers, nobody would look down upon us. 为什么我们需要输出价值观才能成为强国?只要我们能输出中国消费者,就没有人会小看我们。 Sexretary 秘书 n. Assistant who helps her boss whenever and whatever he needs. 帮助老板满足任何时间任何需要的助手 ie. Bill Clinton, as any successful animale, has a wonderful wife and a dozen sexretaries. 比尔・克林顿,作为一名成功的男人,有一名出色的太太和一打秘书。 Canclensor 审查 v. A protective action made by Big brother who always takes care of you with your own money, for example, they help delete inappropriate on-line content before you can get access. 一种由老大哥做出的保护性行动,由他代表你用你自己的钱来照顾你,比如说,删除不健康的网上内容。 ie."What is yakshit what is, ah The canclensor is." Carass 轻拂菊花 v. the super treatment usually only available to high-rank officials in China 一种通常只有高级别“人民公仆”才能获得的超级待遇 ie. Mr. Xilai Bo, the party boss of Chongqing city, was carassed because of his "Cracking-Organized-Crime" Campaign through a special song created and dedicated to him ---- The Song of Xilai 薄熙来,重庆市的党领导,因轰轰烈烈的“打黑行动”而成为一首轻拂菊花的颂歌《熙来之歌》里的主角。 adj. being calm and reasonable, usually with the smilence expression 非常平静和讲理的心态,通常此时当事人会笑而不语。 ie. After Yangjia's execution, his mother was reported emotionormal from the mental-illness hospital, according to state-owned media. 在杨佳被处决后,国营媒体说,他的妈妈在精神病院里情绪稳定。 Harmany 河蟹 adj. the stable situation where everybody is emotionormal and there is no sign of unrest at all 每个人都情绪稳定,没有任何群体性事件迹象的美好状态 ie. We have been in a harmany society for too long to remember what is harmony. 我们在一个河蟹的社会呆得太久已经忘记了什么是真正的和谐。









写诗而不被称为诗人是罕见 的福



发表于 2010-12-24 04:54:39 | 显示全部楼层
我聆听一组木匠的声音 虽然他已经走了 天空阴晴了好多回 在园子里  弯着腰 恭恭敬敬洒水 我知道土地的润湿程度 简单的栅栏看上去相当牢固 我喜欢就那么站着 像风化 最好整天站着         <浇灌 > 我的博客: http://blog.sina.com.cn/dawen99

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-24 05:14:51 | 显示全部楼层

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